Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today's Total Body MEGA Workout Plan

For those that don't know, apart from my regular job, I'm also a personal trainer...and I love it. It keeps me involved, updated on new strategies and concepts and interacting with people. For my clients, I love to see them progress...such satisfaction...whether it be weight-wise, strength-wise, technique-wise...

This past Thursday, I had my very strong and sweet Lucie do this program and I loved it so much that today, this is what Agnieszka and I will do at the will be amazing! and 2 doing it together...VERY motivating! I'll let you know how we're doing AFTER we've completed this MEGA will be good!

Here it is:

Total Body MEGA Workout

BB Reverse Lunges
BB Clean & Press
Pull-in on bench (abs)

3-5 min Intense cardio

BB Walking Half Lunges
DB Concentration Curls
DB Calf Raises

3-5 min Intense cardio

DB Chest Press on Ball (alternating)
DB Overhead Tricep Extension
DB Squats (10 full, 10 mini)

3-5 min Intense cardio

Cable Rows (from lowest level)
DB Elbow raise and External rotation (arms at 90 degrees)
Push ups (triceps style- arms close to body, elbows pointing towards the back)

3-5 min Intense cardio

DB/Plate Sit Ups on declined bench
Russian Sit Ups

Each combo of exercises are done twice for 12-15 reps with little or no break in between...then the cardio session before the next keep our heart rates up and the calories burning.

Stay tuned.....



Anonymous said...

Good luck girls!

Lena Antonacci said...

Holy crap, this is one crazy workout!!! I'm definitely printing it out and will tackle it after I give birth.

You guys are super motivating, keep up the good work!

Lena xoxo