Today was the upper body weights work out, I decided to put on the P90X DVD Back and Biceps, it's about 51 minutes and it was a great work out. The only part I didn't like is the fact that he makes a lot of series on the pull up bar which with my weight, it's not gonna happen. Thankfully one of the participants in the dvd was using a chair to keep her weight on once they go up on the pull up bar and I did the same. I noticed that my arms are getting pretty strong, for some of the workouts, I used 20 lbs for each arm. Once I completed this work out, I decided to run for a few minutes (remember I want to become a runner) which were actually 4 minutes in a row...not bad for someone who couldn't even walk on the treadmill at level 3.5 before I started working out.
Finally, I did 2 minutes of the Jacob Ladder which is pretty much a killer. By the end of all this,it was time for a shower which is the best part of my day. I started eating two spoons of Flaxmeal and it helps with my metabolism, I feel great. I am also taking bee pollen which I would like to talk about in my next blog, the best discovery for me. I'll let you know what it's all about.
I love working out in the morning for the following reasons:
1. In the first 30 minutes after I wake up, I don't realize what I am doing and by the time I am aware of what's happening, I am already at the gym, GENIUS!
2. It helps me wake up in a great mood, because my first thought is not, "I'm going to work" it's actually "I am going to the gym", such a great feeling.
3. When I train in the morning, I have more energy throughout the day.
4. Workout done before 8am makes me let me do what ever I want to do at night, not stressed after work that I need to go to the gym.
5. I wasn't a morning person, I hate waking up early, but when I look at my Blackberry wall picture when the alarm rings, there is no way I am gonna miss a workout.
This picture is my new inspirational picture which my lovely friend Heather from Facebook posted a few days ago, thank you for this picture, I couldn't want a better body then that:
I completed successfully Day 10.
See you tomorrow!
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