Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Row's cold is lingering...but good news...the scale dillema is solved!!!

Day 2 of this horrible cold...but maintained my clean eating despite not having much of an appetite. Stayed home again to rest which, I think, did me some good....no training for me today. Really hoping tomorrow will be a better day for that.

Good news on the  weight scale front....so Jason's scale is the write one so that means I actually start this journey @ 152 lbs...this morning I weighed in @ 149.9 lbs...nothing to get too excited about (2.1 lbs in 2 weeks) but still an accomplishment nevertheless.   

The eating has been going well...eating every couple of hours as clean as possible...meaning the purest of foods...as little processed stuff as possible. Easier than I originally thought it would be...I'm also trying to purposely cook extra of whatever dinner I make to have left overs which essentially makes packing tomorrow's lunch easier and faster. All prep other than my breakfast is being done the night before. This gives me extra time to sleep a bit more in the AM (which is always good) and take my time getting ready for work.

Tomorrow, I've packed natural non-fat yogurt with frozen berries. Lunch will be a greens salad with some lean beef and a whole wheat pasta salad which I had prepped today using green peppers, cucumbers, a few cherry tomatoes, olive oil and some lemon juice (added some Italian spices for extra taste....yummy).

If all's good tomorrow, I work on my upper body in the weight room!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed...


1 comment:

Audrey said...

I do that too, make a little extra at night for dinner so that I can have the next day for lunch. Keep on writing, I love reading!!
