November 14th 2010
Here it is, my before picture, I took it today and now ready to move on and to make a difference for myself.
Tomorrow is a new day and I am ready to take on the challenge.
November 13th 2010
October 2009 at 244 lbs
March 2010 at 224 lbs
My name is Agnieszka and I had been struggling with my weight forever, the last time I remember being skinny was when I was 9 year's old. In high school I was average size and in my early adult life I was juggling between 160 lbs when I was on a diet and training to about 190 lbs when I was simply enjoying laziness and just eating a lot.
My favorite restaurant was McDonalds, I used to love ordering a Big Mac trio
no onions with large fries, 4 mcnuggets and 2 pies, the taste was exhilarating, when my meal was done, i felt satisfied and happy. It was like that for the last few years and the more you let yourself go, the more you gain like the first picture on top. I have been training now for about a year with breaks in between, now the game is ON.
I want to look good, I want to look hot again, all these beautiful women on tv that just have these amazing bodies PUT so much pressure on us regular women, that just want to look good for ourselves. This blog is a way for me to see my own progress and to make sure that this is the one, this time I'll make it to the finish line, I am unstoppable and I want to be the best I can be.
Now at about 219 lbs, I am ready to give 110% of myself and make the best out of it.
The plan is simple:
Diet: 5 to 6 meals a day
The training program: 6 times a week for an hour at the gym, 3 times a week will be weight training and 3 times a week will be cardio.
I will post my bikini pictures to show you my body at the present moment.
Wish me luck!