Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Agnieszka's Day 3: 702 calories burned in 41 minutes and 24 seconds

Well well well, this morning I really worked my ass off on the elliptical, I am so excited that I have more endurance. When I was in my early 20's, I would only be able to burn 280 to 300 calories in 30 minutes, I really feel like this time I am pushing myself harder and I just feel stronger.

Here is my elliptical workout:

0-2 min: level 8
2-4 min: level 10
4-6 min: level 8
6-8 min: level 12
8-10 min: level 14
10-12 min: level 12
12-14 min: level 10
14-16 min: level 12
16-18 min: level 8
18-20 min: level 10

and I go on like that until 40 to 45 minutes depending.

The importance is to alternate the intensity like this graphic I copied from
Cardio-Training Plan

At first i thought, you could never have a real cardio workout in 20 minutes, if it would be that easy, everyone would do it, but it's true, if you really try to workout by alternating the intensity, at the end, you will feel great and for the ones that hate cardio, 20 minutes is a great deal.

After each exercice I feel like a champion!

Do you like Cardio?


Anonymous said...

Cardio is great, keep burning them calories!

Audrey said...

I love cardio. I guess I've learned to love it.

Believe.Commit.Receive said...

I'm not a fan of it, but know how important it is...Agnieszka rocks for being so driven to do and intense 40+ min cardion training!!! Way to go Partner!


Casper said...

I like it after I've done it. but getting to do it is the hard part. and I hate doing it. But I do love the feeling I get when I've done it. I don't do 20 minutes. 30 or more. I feel 20 minutes is not enough. I guess if I tried it in the graph you showed then I might.