Monday, November 29, 2010

On the Right Track...

After the 'road trip saga' my weekend eating was ok...but just was a much better day. Back on track...all my meals including snacks. And everything tasted great! Oatmeal, cinnamon, apple and flax seed...snack #1, yogurt (non fat) and frozen berries...lunch was whole-wheat wrap with chicken, lettuce, tomatoe, pickles and a touch of Dijon...snack #2 veggies and some hummus...dinner I had salad and a chicken/beef brown rice soup....yummy.

No training tonight, but tomorrow it's on...and I'm looking forward to it!

I weighed-in this morning...not great but measurements were ok, so that counts! I came in at the same weight as last week. But I lost another 0.5" on my waist....and another 0.1" -0.5" in a few other spots...hopefully, next week I'll see more...the clock is ticking, Jan. 1st is quickly approaching and this chicita has lots to do.

Well, time to get a good night's sleep...until tomorrow!


Be aware, the Food lover made an appeareance this week-end!

I wasn't hiding from you guys, I've been just busy eating. What can I say? My period was around the corner and all I could think of this week-end was food.  What's the difference in my life between week days and week-ends? On week-ends I stay over at my boyfriend's house which is difficult with my diet.

I wake up Saturday morning and what do I find on one of the shelves...Nutella. I couldn't resist, it is so good on a toast with a big glass of milk. With breakfast behind me, I went shopping with my boyfriend which went great, he bought Pajar boots at Locale which look great on him. A few hours pass and all of the sudden I had a graving for a poutine, don't ask me where that came from but it did.  We went to La Banquise, this restaurant opened 24/7 who is known for the best poutines, we both had a poutine and a hot dog each. The day ends with Rowaida's boyfriend dinner which we were very good, I had a Cowboy Club, a chicken club sandwich with a salad.

All that to say that it wasn't my best week-end to date, I was a bad girl, but you know what, today it's Monday, November 29th 2010 and I am back on track.

I bought my motivating magazines and with my treadmill work out I completed an hour ago, I don't live on regrets looking back on what I did bad but I rather look forward to what I can do to avoid these downfalls again.

Take care and have a great night!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Road trip saga...

Road trips can be a disaster situation for someone on a clean eating path. Chips, dips, pretzels, pizza, pop...I could go on and why am I writing about this...I just came back from one. I left early on Thursday with my team from work. Team building trip which had a purpose behind it...we we're going to experience the Black Friday madness by being at one of the biggest outlet center in the US...Woodbury Commons...we were up about 36 hrs with very little sleep in between.

I found myself, for the 1st time, not really craving the bad stuff....that feeling in your mouth when you see this 'bad' but SO tasty food in front of you....I wasn't a complete angel but really didn't have a big cheat as I expected would happen...I started my day with my regular oatmeal (mixed with flax seed, cinnamon and apples)..I brought my own little snack for the road (yogurt and berries...yum), drank as much water as I could. For dinner, I had turkey,salad, potatoes AND some gravy...gravy being the splurge. For the rest of the trip, I basically had sandwiches...the splurge there was on the cheese that they all had and a little light mayo....not too bad all in all...of course, 1st thing I did this morning is get on the scale....BAM....I'm up 1 pound. Now, I didn't eat much...was it water retention from the trip and possibly high sodium levels in what I ate, maybe...but one thing's for sure, I'm going to be extra good this weekend....despite the birthday dinner for my boyfriend tonight.

Due to the fact I REALLY needed to recover training. Tomorrow it's back to normal. 

Until then...have a great night!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheat meal!

Yesterday I had a great cardio work out in the morning and spend a wonderful day. At night, I had a dinner planned with a great friend of mine and it was definately my cheat meal. We went to Ottavio in Laval, we bought a bottle of wine on the way and had a delicious dinner. We both ate a salad as an appetizer and then  Tortellini Gigi for the main course. It felt liberated to eat something I haven't had for a long time.  Without forgetting about my new lifestyle I was free of feeling any regret and just went along with it.

It's important to let yourself go, dinners will always happen especially more and more with Christmas around the corner. I won't do this at each dinner I go to, I just felt like it yesterday and i did it.

Enjoy life, don't forget about how beautiful life is and for me FOOD will always be the love of my life. Just don't make it a habit of cheating and cheating....because that's how we fall back in our old bad habits.

Have a great week-end everyone, I hope you had a great week!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Early bird!

This morning I had no choice to be at work for 6h30am since my car is at the garage and my mom started work at 7am, I had a full on workout.

Today was the upper body weights work out, I decided to put on the P90X DVD Back and Biceps, it's about 51 minutes and it was a great work out.  The only part I didn't like is the fact that he makes a lot of series on the pull up bar which with my weight, it's not gonna happen. Thankfully one of the participants in the dvd was using a chair to keep her weight on once they go up on the pull up bar and I did the same. I noticed that my arms are getting pretty strong, for some of the workouts, I used 20 lbs for each arm.  Once I completed this work out, I decided to run for a few minutes (remember I want to become a runner) which were actually 4 minutes in a row...not bad for someone who couldn't even walk on the treadmill at level 3.5 before I started working out.

Finally, I did 2 minutes of the Jacob Ladder which is pretty much a killer. By the end of all this,it was time for a shower which is the best part of my day.  I started eating two spoons of Flaxmeal and it helps with my metabolism, I feel great.  I am also taking bee pollen which I would like to talk about in my next blog, the best discovery for me. I'll let you know what it's all about.

I love working out in the morning for the following reasons:

1. In the first 30 minutes after I wake up, I don't realize what I am doing and by the time I am aware of what's happening, I am already at the gym, GENIUS!
2. It helps me wake up in a great mood, because my first thought is not, "I'm going to work" it's actually "I am going to the gym", such a great feeling.
3. When I train in the morning, I have more energy throughout the day.
4. Workout done before 8am makes me let me do what ever I want to do at night, not stressed after work that I need to go to the gym.
5. I wasn't a morning person, I hate waking up early, but when I look at my Blackberry wall picture when the alarm rings, there is no way I am gonna miss a workout.

This picture is my new inspirational picture which my lovely friend Heather from Facebook posted a few days ago, thank you for this picture, I couldn't want a better body then that:

Did you see that ass, I want of those!

I completed successfully Day 10.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


All's good with the eating clean and consistent had a great workout which I'm sure I will feel tomorrow...already do. 

Saturday, we announced our 1st big challenge. For me, I want to lose 12 lbs by Jan. 1st....6 weeks to do it. Technically, I started the weight loss journey 3 weeks ago and I would like to share my progress until now...also where I'm starting at in the challenge...weight-wise and measurement-wise.
3 weeks ago (Oct.30th) I began with the weight of 152.5 lbs. Measurements were as follows:

Waist: 30"
Hip: 43.5"
Bust: 36"
Right Arm: 13"
Left Arm: 13"
Right Thigh: 25.5"
Left Thigh: 26"
Right Calf: 15"
Left Calf: 15" 

As of Saturday (when we announced the challenge) Nov.20: Weight 147.5 lbs (5 lbs lost)

Waist: 28"  (2" lost)
Hip: 41.1"  (2.4" lost)
Bust: 35.5"  (0.5" lost)
Right Arm: 12.5"  (0.5" lost)
Left Arm: 12.5"  (0.5" lost)
Right Thigh: 24.9"  (0.6" lost)
Left Thigh: 25.2"  (0.8" lost)
Right Calf: 14.5"  (0.5" lost)
Left Calf: 14.5"  (0.5" lost)  

I feel less bulky (swollen)...increased energy, high spirits, super it.
So...if on Saturday I came in at 147.5 lbs...the goal is to reach 135.5 lbs to hit the 12 lbs goal....hmmm...what should the reward be....other than pure satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, of course...I think I will set a prize for myself...a new pair of jeans....since my weight gain, I've refused to by myself any pants, skirts, shorts, etc...only tops because that doesn't shift too too much...just a little but a medium doesn't seem to's when you see the # of the size of the pants you now have to purchase that hurts, I, provided I hit the goal, this chicita will buy herself a new pair of jeans. 

Why not reward yourself for the hard work and accomplishment...what would you treat yourself to?


Agnieszka the runner lol that's a good one!

Running is not for everyone but I decided that I will learn to love it. Are you with me? As the interval workout I showed you last week with the graphic, I applied the same thing with the treadmill.

Here is the workout:

0-2 minutes: walk at level 3.5
2-4 minutes: jog at level 4.2
4-6 minutes: walk at level 3.7
6-10 minutes: jog at level 4.5
10-12 minutes: walk at level 3.5
12-14 minutes: jog at level 4.7
14-16 minutes: walk at level 3.7
Last high point 16-19 minutes: jog at level 4.7
19-20 minutes: jog at level 5.
Cool down.

Remember when at Day 1, I trained twice because I tried to impress you all, well here is a picture:

This is a picture of me after 45 minutes of walking on the treadmill, imagine a picture of me running...priceless!

Important tip: if you want to be back in shape, start with walking and work on changing your level every few minutes to make sure that you keep on challenging your body and yourself.

Keep faith!


Monday, November 22, 2010

The Scale, the enemy!

Today was a good day, my body was really efficient this morning while I was doing my cardio but my mind was elsewhere, my mind was on my ennemy: the scale. I know that a lot of different aspects need to be taken into consideration when you weight yourself....but I am obssesive. I even bought a Weight Watchers scale yesterday.

What is difficult is that I work so much on the training and eating aspect that I forget that there are other things that affect your weight: stress level, tiredness (not enought sleep), I'm building up on muscle or many more reasons. I decided just now that I am gonna relax, take it easy, not put too much pressure on myself and just bring it.

The solution is to only weight myself once a week, concentrate myself on doing the best I can and make sure that I stay on track.

The reaction I am having is normal, I've been working out now for about a month and I am not getting the results I am hoping for, want to lose faster, but this is the moment when usually people abandon their diets and just go back to the their old bad habits.  I want to encourage all of you to never give up, the importance
is to keep on going, if you feel like you hit a plateau, change your diet, change your work out routine and make sure that you go up in intensity, that you ALWAYS push yourself harder.

After writing this post I feel much better and now I can move on.

How do you feel about your scale?


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just a Sunday...

Breakfast with my parents, uncle and boyfriend...nice way to start a Sunday....
Yes, this is breakfast....but not to fret...lots of good stuff available and this chicita was totally under control :)

Later, went to the gym...some cardio and light weights to keep the heart rate up...a light but good session. 

Tomorrow morning, I weigh-in and take my measurements. Actually looking forward to it...

Monday, the beginning of a new week. Let's see how it will start...I'll keep you guys posted.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

BIG Announcement....The 1st CHALLENGE is ON!!!

Goal: Agnieszka 20 lbs 
             Rowaida    12 lbs

Start Date: November 20th, 2010

End Date: January 1st, 2011
Timeline: 42 days (6 weeks)

CHALLENGE: Achieving goal by the end date established.

Dear Followers,

1st week blogging was a success. Now we're ready to start an experiment...our 1st BIG Challenge. With the holidays quickly approaching this means Holiday dinners, cocktails, parties and family gatherings...the MOST difficult time of the year to embark on this kind of challenge but we're IN...CRAZY...we know...but imagine the feeling of hitting January 1st, 8am and we've already accomplished our 1st New Year's resolution. BAM!

It's not going to be easy but very doable with the right attitude. Believe it...Commit to it...and you will Receive...

WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? Think about it, write it down and let us know.....then JOIN US in this challenge...January 1st.

Agnieszka and Rowaida

Today's Total Body MEGA Workout Plan

For those that don't know, apart from my regular job, I'm also a personal trainer...and I love it. It keeps me involved, updated on new strategies and concepts and interacting with people. For my clients, I love to see them progress...such satisfaction...whether it be weight-wise, strength-wise, technique-wise...

This past Thursday, I had my very strong and sweet Lucie do this program and I loved it so much that today, this is what Agnieszka and I will do at the will be amazing! and 2 doing it together...VERY motivating! I'll let you know how we're doing AFTER we've completed this MEGA will be good!

Here it is:

Total Body MEGA Workout

BB Reverse Lunges
BB Clean & Press
Pull-in on bench (abs)

3-5 min Intense cardio

BB Walking Half Lunges
DB Concentration Curls
DB Calf Raises

3-5 min Intense cardio

DB Chest Press on Ball (alternating)
DB Overhead Tricep Extension
DB Squats (10 full, 10 mini)

3-5 min Intense cardio

Cable Rows (from lowest level)
DB Elbow raise and External rotation (arms at 90 degrees)
Push ups (triceps style- arms close to body, elbows pointing towards the back)

3-5 min Intense cardio

DB/Plate Sit Ups on declined bench
Russian Sit Ups

Each combo of exercises are done twice for 12-15 reps with little or no break in between...then the cardio session before the next keep our heart rates up and the calories burning.

Stay tuned.....


Friday, November 19, 2010

A lil off time...a lil cheat...

My cardio session that was planned did not happen...I opted to train both days this weekend and take tonight off training...I spent time with my mom instead. We had dinner and went shopping for a few hours...loved that.

So my lil cheat...went to the mall with my cousin at lunch...and saw greek I went for it. Not too bad of a cheat, but a cheat nevertheless... I had the chicken yero with only salad on the side and half a pita...doesn't sound bad but I think the way they cook the chicken isn't the most calorie-wise way...and the tzatziki may not have been only from yogurt...should have asked...hmmm...I'll be sure to continue the clean eating all weekend...actually looking forward to Monday morning's weigh-in and measurements....I feel great!

Tomorrow...mega total body workout with my partner in crime...Agnieszka :) we will be sore my friends....sore...but it's all good! All for a great cause...woohoo!

Until tomorrow!...heading to the movies now with love! Yay!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

My butt will be sore for days...

My lower body workout was amazing!!! I feel my energy back and totally pushed myself...I will be feeling this for days. FYI...2 combos sets that are great:

BB Full Squats (legs shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward) 12 reps    1min break
10 reps (heavier weights) then 1 min break
8 reps (heavier weights) then 1 min break
6 reps (heavier weights) then 1 min break
12 reps (lower weights) then 0 min break
Speed skater 12 reps per side then 2 min break

BB Reverse lunges 12 reps/side  then 1 min break
10 reps/side (increase weights) then 1 min break
8 reps/side (increase weights)  then 1 min break
6 reps/side  (increase weights) then 1 min break
12 reps/side (increase weights)  then o min break
BB Deadlift 12 reps

Your buns will burn....

I realized today that I'm expecting my monthly friend and usually this past year or so, I feel bloated and swollen from water retention and the hormones...on this Eat-Clean 'diet', I feel great! Not swollen or bloated at all. Full of it! If your stuck on the same weight and want to get it moving this'll love what it does for you, too.

Yesterday, I mentioned my Goal and Progress board...well, here it is...sorry, it looks a bit weird. I took the pic with my phone. As soon as I have my camera, I'll take a better pic, promise....

Have a great night everyone!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recovery mode...the fever has left the building...

Fever is gone. Today I was back at work, not feeling amazing but much better than the last 2 days. Left an hour early rested and head to the gym...I pushed myself to do a great 30 min cardio session. I did not regret that. Would have gone more but didn't want to overdue it...I want to be able to do a killer training tomorrow.

As I was on the elliptical I started thinking about the upcoming weeks....the upcoming holiday weeks...dinner parties, work holiday cocktail, family functions....oh boy...this is going to be challenging...however I don't find myself craving anything right now. I really believe it's due to the way I'm eating, overall....I'm totally following the Eat-Clean diet...not really a diet...more like a way of life...and because there are carbs incorporated throughout the day, the cravings for carbs are not there cause, in a way, my body is getting what it needs and it's fulfilled...this book is "GOLD' (Eat-Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno) basic are the ideas...they seem so easy yet most of us don't apply them...and the great thing is it's not boring...plenty of great ideas for fun and super tasty dishes...I think sticking to the Eat-Clean principles won't be too challenging throughout this upcoming holiday season...I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens on that front....Visualization is a big key here...where do I want to be...what do I want to look do I want to feel...and in my mind, that is SUPER clear. I've been there...I will be there again!

I created a board a few weeks back...this board is my "Goal and Progress board". I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it so everyone could see...what it is...well, I noted in HUGE font size the GOAL: 30 lbs, in the right hand corner, the my case it's CARBS...below that my weight and measurements along with the date...there are weekly dates side by side till about mid-Feb...And below and lots of images that are motivating...physiques similar to mine used to be (realistic physiques that fit my physical and genetic profile) and I included some of my pics from 2007 when I was in my peak competing in fitness competitions....I love this board...I highly recommend you do one for yourselves if you have goals to achieve, regardless what those goals may will help keep you focused and motivated.

So tomorrow...back to weight training. Upper body! Friday, I plan to have another cardio session...1 hour hopefully...then on Saturday I'll be training with my partner in crime, Agnieszka, for a mega total body workout. I'll work on the program tomorrow. For readers that don't know, I work an office job in the day and 2 nights a week I'm a personal trainer on my own it.

Until tomorrow...


Agnieszka's Day 3: 702 calories burned in 41 minutes and 24 seconds

Well well well, this morning I really worked my ass off on the elliptical, I am so excited that I have more endurance. When I was in my early 20's, I would only be able to burn 280 to 300 calories in 30 minutes, I really feel like this time I am pushing myself harder and I just feel stronger.

Here is my elliptical workout:

0-2 min: level 8
2-4 min: level 10
4-6 min: level 8
6-8 min: level 12
8-10 min: level 14
10-12 min: level 12
12-14 min: level 10
14-16 min: level 12
16-18 min: level 8
18-20 min: level 10

and I go on like that until 40 to 45 minutes depending.

The importance is to alternate the intensity like this graphic I copied from
Cardio-Training Plan

At first i thought, you could never have a real cardio workout in 20 minutes, if it would be that easy, everyone would do it, but it's true, if you really try to workout by alternating the intensity, at the end, you will feel great and for the ones that hate cardio, 20 minutes is a great deal.

After each exercice I feel like a champion!

Do you like Cardio?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Row's cold is lingering...but good news...the scale dillema is solved!!!

Day 2 of this horrible cold...but maintained my clean eating despite not having much of an appetite. Stayed home again to rest which, I think, did me some training for me today. Really hoping tomorrow will be a better day for that.

Good news on the  weight scale Jason's scale is the write one so that means I actually start this journey @ 152 lbs...this morning I weighed in @ 149.9 lbs...nothing to get too excited about (2.1 lbs in 2 weeks) but still an accomplishment nevertheless.   

The eating has been going well...eating every couple of hours as clean as possible...meaning the purest of little processed stuff as possible. Easier than I originally thought it would be...I'm also trying to purposely cook extra of whatever dinner I make to have left overs which essentially makes packing tomorrow's lunch easier and faster. All prep other than my breakfast is being done the night before. This gives me extra time to sleep a bit more in the AM (which is always good) and take my time getting ready for work.

Tomorrow, I've packed natural non-fat yogurt with frozen berries. Lunch will be a greens salad with some lean beef and a whole wheat pasta salad which I had prepped today using green peppers, cucumbers, a few cherry tomatoes, olive oil and some lemon juice (added some Italian spices for extra taste....yummy).

If all's good tomorrow, I work on my upper body in the weight room!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed...


Day 2 for Agnieszka

Before I start with Day 2, let me get back to Day 1.

With all the pressure I created on myself with this blog, I decided to train last night for a second time at 8h25pm on my treadmill for 45 minutes.
Results: at first I felt great, I was wide awake, but I felt this way for hours, not a good Idea for me. I need my 8 hours of sleep.

Day 2 is  now completed, this morning I was able to work out 50 minutes my lower body with the help of P90X. He tries to kill you in each dvd but it's so much worth it, you sweat, you push your limits and today someone else was doing it with me so it always give you extra motivation when you have someone training with you.

I also went for a walk after lunch, today was truly a beautiful day.

With the time change, I feel like everyone is more tired, we rarely see the sun, the sun wakes up with you and then after work, he is already in bed.  I think the fact that I exercice gives me so much energy, I feel better and it makes it EASIER to deal with this lack of light.

If possible, try to take a walk at lunch time, just to breather some fresh air or to help you digest, why not?

Diet is going well, eating between 5 to 6 days a day is definitely working, by the time I get home after work, I am rarely hungry. Also, I hydrate myself a lot with water which makes me go to the bathroom a lot.
I am trying to cut coffee as much as possible, for now it's not going that well, but I won't give up.

I wish you all had a great day!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Here comes the cold....

Sneezing, congested and temperature going up and down...yes, a cold. So, option for today....Maintain the clean-eating concept and rest my body. I trained both Saturday and Sunday, so the fact I'm sick today ironically falls at a good time cause I had to take today off, or at least slow, anyway.

Home from work today, I have some time to re-look at my training program and make a few small adjustments. I also had time to finally measure and weigh myself which I haven't in 2 far, I've lost an inch on my waist and half an inch on my hips...weight-wise, not sure actually. I weighed myself originally on my scale but it seems to be off by a couple of pounds...I orginally came in at 158.5 lbs. Today, using my boyfriend's scale I'm 150 I know I did not lose 8.5 lbs in 2 weeks. I would have felt it in my clothes more...I will bring my scale to compare it and see what the real difference is and post it tomorrow. According to Jason (my great boyfriend) his weight never changes (lucky him) and his weight is correct on his scale. Either way...I like what his scale says

I haven't broken the 150 mark in a LONG when I do, I'll be super happy...when I hit the 140 mark, I will not sure, but I'll figure it out.


Bon Appetit!

Monday morning and I am about to go to the gym for my Cardio routine, just wanted to show you my lunch, this lunch will last me throughout the day and I try to eat every two hours to make sure that I never get hungry.

Breakfast: Cereal mixed with Activia yogourt and a banana.

Morning Snack: Apple, pear and 8 natural almonds that i always leave at work.

Lunch: light Petit Quebec cheese while my cotelet with my vegetables are in the microwave, I finish it off with celeri and green pepper.

Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese with strawberries.

Have a great day everyone! be good!

Hey guys, its 6:54 pm and I am finally home.

Today's workout: 32 minutes of elliptical, 518 calories burned, the trick is to do your work at intervals of different levels. On the elliptical, I am usually between level 8 and level 16, changing every two minutes to make sure that I work the most out of it.