Yes, I've been distracted and away from the blog!!!! But let's carry on. Where were we last??? oh yes, my arrived and it's sitting in my folks' closet waiting to be tried on....waiting because it's a big motivation for me. Waiting because I still have to go down a bit to fit in it well...snug is an understatement. I NEED to lose 3" from my booty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes 3!
Am I crazy, perhaps...but will I make it! have no doubt. So, I did, admittedly, stray from carb cycling...ate well but not structured again...something has to give. I can help others, but helping myself is such a I turned to a fellow trainer for guidance. Confused, she did ask why I would need the help? and I simply said motivation. I know what to do, yes, but I guess i'm too used to structure and a push that that's what I'm in need of now.
ANYWAYS, so I'm on a pretty tight plan. Competition style...for another 4 wks...then we'll see. In the last week I had lost about 4 lbs after a few wks of stand some of that might be excess water. Either way, my intention is to go down 10 lbs in 5 weeks...and then focus for more....essentially, I'll still have another 10 I'd like to lose. But let's start with this.
The wedding is just over 3 months away and yes I want to look great in my dress but even more, I want to get back into my fav pair of jeans and feel good in my skin again.I feel great...don't get me wrong but it's a different feeling. Not sure if you get what I mean?
Motivation...I think that's got to be one of the bigget challenges for people everywhere regardless what their goals are...what keeps you motivated?